By-laws for the Bellefonte Garden Club
Date Revised and Approved: July 19, 2022, Effective January 2023
Bellefonte Garden Club By-Laws Printable
The name of this organization shall be the Bellefonte Garden Club, herein referred to as “the Club”. The Bellefonte Garden Club operated under the auspices of Historic Bellefonte, Inc., a 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation.
The mission of the Bellefonte Garden Club is to promote gardening in our community, educate our members in gardening, and use plants and landscaping to beautify our town.
The officers of this Club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President.
Executive Committee
The affairs of this Club shall be managed by the Executive Committee that shall consist of the officers of the club and chairs of standing committees. Three members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
- The dues of the Club shall be payable by January 1 and only dues-paying members’ names can be listed in the Garden Club booklet. The amount of dues payable shall be $5.00. The fiscal year shall be January 1 through December 31
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for reminding a member who has not paid club dues by Feb. 1.
The qualifications for membership shall be an interest in gardening and the beautification of the community.
There is NO residency requirement.
- Officers shall be elected by voice vote for a term of one year, a majority of all votes cast necessary to win an election.
- Nomination for officers shall be made by the Nominating Committee in October. Open nominations from the floor can be accepted.
- Election of officers will be held in November. The new President presides at the January meeting or the first meeting of the new year.
- The annual meeting shall be held in November, and include elections of officers and annual reports.
- The regular program meetings shall be held the third Tuesday of each month except when changed as needed by the program chair. Short business meetings of the Club may be called before or after a program when necessary to take care of Club business.
- Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President to meet the needs of the Club. The Executive Committee must meet at least quarterly. All members of the Club are welcome to attend the Executive Committee meetings. The Secretary will record minutes for the business meetings and the Executive Committee Meetings. These minutes will be made available to the members of the Club following their approval.
- The By-laws may be amended, after a second reading at any regular meeting, by two-thirds vote of all present, the amendment having been proposed in writing at a previous meeting.
- The Club’s By-laws will be reviewed every two years.
Duties and Officers
- The President shall preside at all meetings including those of the Executive Committee and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. The President shall appoint committee chairs as needed.
- The Vice President shall assume all duties of the President in the absence or disability of said officer. The Vice President shall also be responsible for developing programs for the monthly meetings as chairperson of a Program Committee. Alternatively, two or more club members may serve as a Program Committee, with no designated Vice President. In this event, all members of the Program Committee will be members of the Executive Committee.
- The Secretary shall keep the minutes of each business meeting of both the Club and the Executive Committee; handle Club correspondence; and shall perform all duties pertaining to the office.
- The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the Club, use them subject to its order and make an annual financial report at the November meeting. The Treasurer is also responsible for the collection of dues and all Club money.
- There will be an audit of all financial records at the end of a Club year with a report to be submitted at the first meeting of the following year.
- Two signatures, Treasurer and the President, are required on all checks. An HBI representative will also be a designated signatory on Garden Club bank accounts.
- Members of the Executive Committee may spend up to $50.00 without prior authorization. Expenditures above $50.00 should be approved by the Executive Committee in advance. Request for reimbursement must be accompanied by a receipt for the purchase.
- An annual financial report along with any other information request will be prepared and submitted to Historic Bellefonte, Inc. (HBI) each January.
Publications and Advertising
All advertisements and publications of the Garden Club will contain the logo and tag line of Historic Bellefonte, Inc. as required by HBI.
Dissolution of the Bellefonte Garden Club
In the event that the Bellefonte Garden Club should dissolve, all funds not distributed prior to dissolving will revert to Historic Bellefonte, Inc.