Join the Bellefonte Garden Club as a member for $5.00 per year. There is no residency requirement for membership or attendance at our meetings. We welcome Club members and guests from throughout the area.
The mission of the Bellefonte Garden Club is to promote gardening, educate our members about gardening, and use plants and landscaping to beautify our community.
Whether working to make sure Talleyrand Park shows visitors a pretty face, or to beautify the Borough with flower plantings during the summer; or working with the National Guard to establish a Memorial Garden for one of Bellefonte’s own killed in the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, the Garden Club members are volunteers working to make our town a pleasant and interesting place to live. We also learn about gardening topics at our meetings, on field trips, and through garden tours.
We welcome you and hope that through these pages, we can share some of our enthusiasm for gardening, and for Bellefonte, with you.

Bellefonte Garden Club Officers for 2024-2025
President: Ann Sager
Vice-President: Anne Stover
Secretary: Dennis Wilson
Treasurer: Janet Kyte